Fainting occurs when the blood supply to your brain is momentarily inadequate, causing you to lose consciousness. This loss of consciousness is usually brief. It may or may not have medical significance Therefore, treat loss of consciousness as a medical emergency until the signs and symptoms are relieved and the cause is known.Fainting can be caused by fatigue, hunger, dehydration, sudden emotional upset, a poorly ventilated room, or rapid change in body position. Fainting is usually accompanied by pale, clammy skin & rapid pulse.
If you feel faint:
Lie down or sit down.
If you sit down, place your head between your knees.
If you feel faint:
Lie down or sit down.
If you sit down, place your head between your knees.
If someone around you faints :
Lower their heads between knees, or
Have them lie flat with feet elevated
Check to see if airways are clear
Loosen tight clothing
Do not leave alone or give any fluids until fully recovered
Patient should become normal within a minute
If not, seek medical help
Check if breathing/pulse is normal
If not, do Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Seek medical attention if the person hit his/her head when fainting or experienced seizure-like activity (involuntary muscle movement)
Thats was very useful. I have fainted a couple of times.. Once when i got a ligament tear and once when i had a small accident, they weren't very serious.. And btw doc. You have a page rank of 2. How did you manage to get that?
Well, My google tool bar says that. It comes with firefox. And use my light exhibits blog to leave all your comments.
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